
Your Aging Manual

  Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging: An Easy and Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Body Young, Your Mind Sharp and Your Spirit Fulfilled .  Hardcover – January 9, 2024 by  Nathan K. LeBrasseur Ph.D.  (Author),  Christina Chen M.D.  (Author) According to the authors, “Healthy aging isn’t simply a roll of the dice. How people age is a choice.”  Readers, YOU control how you age. Eating a healthy diet, abstinence from alcohol, exercise, seat belts, controlling your blood pressure, vaccines, stress management, getting your diagnostics on time, and having a strong social network are all important elements of aging. And YOU control most of what you do. Sure, it's a lot to manage, but YOU are worth it.  Aging in the USA takes place within a fragmented and inefficient acute-care medical system. It means that YOU identify you are not feeling well, you see a healthcare provider, and you do or do not recover, depending upon the level of care and how much you...

December and January Resources

  Thank you, Harry “Rick” Moody, for sending these resources to gerontologists each month. We truly appreciate you!  AgeDoc   THE TIME OF OUR LIVES “Time Flies By Faster As We Get Older” at: “The Mystery of Time” a dialogue and podcast from Emergence magazine, at:   SPIRITUAL AGING         The Sufis say, “Be in the world, but not of it.”  For those of us growing older, some degree of detachment is necessary and even desirable. But that is not the same as ignoring the wider world. The political turmoil in America since the recent election makes many of us sad, but it’s...

Meet the Ageless Traveler!

  Discover the joys of ageless travel with help from Adriane Berg. She has traveled to 110 countries and still counting!  I was introduced to Adriane on a webinar sponsored by the International Federation on Aging. Her blog, podcasts, emails, website, and Facebook Salon include solutions and answers to travel questions most frequently asked by older adults. She is the expert for older adults who want to begin or continue traveling.  Have physical limitations? No problem.  Have a fixed income? No problem.  No travel companion? No problem.  Don't allow advanced age to hold you back! Check out Adriane's Ageless Traveler website and get started today learning how you can continue traveling and enjoying far-reaching destinations! AgeDoc

Aging Myths, Stereotypes, and Ageism

  Ageism is the most widely accepted form of prejudice worldwide and impacts both physical health and mental well-being. Ageism is discrimination of people based on their age. There are several forms of ageism.   An example of self-directed ageism  is stating aloud, “I’m having a senior moment.” Or, “I guess it’s just old age.” Hearing it come out of your own mouth reinforces ageism to yourself and those around you. Conscious and unconscious ageism are also prevalent. Examples are “Over the Hill” parties, greeting cards poking fun of old people, anti-aging creams promising a younger face, television commercials and shows depicting older people as frail or deaf, and old people jokes. All of those reinforce ageism and reinforce age-bias attitudes and marginalization. “Greedy Geezers” are gobbling up resources at the expense of younger people . This is untrue. In 2012, Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson wanted to cut Social Security by pitting generations against each other for...

Fall Events, Books, and Resources

  Thank you, gerontologist Dr. Harry “Rick” Moody, Fielding University, for sharing these aging updates and resources!   BOOKS OF INTEREST   UNRETIREMENT,  by Chris Farrell (Bloomsbury, 2014). Here is the correct link for a book review: LOVE AND TIME : Embracing Change, Growth and Mature Relationships in the Winter of Life, by Richard Matzkin (Wisdom Exchange Publications, 2024). STAGE (NOT AGE)  by Susan Golden (Harvard Business Review, 2022). A deeper approach to marketing in an aging society.     WEBSITES TO S...