Your Aging Manual
Mayo Clinic on Healthy Aging: An Easy and Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Your Body Young, Your Mind Sharp and Your Spirit Fulfilled . Hardcover – January 9, 2024 by Nathan K. LeBrasseur Ph.D. (Author), Christina Chen M.D. (Author) According to the authors, “Healthy aging isn’t simply a roll of the dice. How people age is a choice.” Readers, YOU control how you age. Eating a healthy diet, abstinence from alcohol, exercise, seat belts, controlling your blood pressure, vaccines, stress management, getting your diagnostics on time, and having a strong social network are all important elements of aging. And YOU control most of what you do. Sure, it's a lot to manage, but YOU are worth it. Aging in the USA takes place within a fragmented and inefficient acute-care medical system. It means that YOU identify you are not feeling well, you see a healthcare provider, and you do or do not recover, depending upon the level of care and how much you...