
October Events and Aging Resources

  Thank you Dr. Harry "Rick" Moody, for forwarding this information to me every month! AgeDoc POSITIVE AGING: IT’S IN YOUR HANDS   People sometimes ask for advice about positive aging. Arthur Brooks has suggested thinking about our later life experience as if investing in a 401(k) financial plan. If you wait to start saving when you turn 60, you’re going to have a big problem. It’s also true for how we imagine our “future selves.” That was the title of a report on aging issued in 1976 by the National Institute on Aging. The forward was written by its director, Dr. Robert Butler, who I came to know shortly after that time and who later became my boss (and mentor) at the International Longevity Center. It was Butler who coined the term “ageism,” and he fought it to the end of his life. Becca Levy wrote  Breaking the Age Code: Ho

Improving Healthcare for Older Adults

  Last month, I attended three separate zoom webinars on the topic of older adults and healthcare. Dr. Mary Tinetti, geriatrician at Yale University School of Medicine, spoke on the topic of “Identifying Health Priorities.” Dr. Donald Melady leads the Geriatric Emergency Medicine program at Mt. Sinai, and he is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Toronto. He spoke on the topic of “Care of Older Adults in Emergency Departments.” Dr. Andrea Wershoff Schwartz is an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard University and geriatrician at VA Boston Healthcare System, where she serves as Associate Director for Clinical Innovation in the New England Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC), and as a leader in the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative. The focus of her discussion was “Age-Friendly Care in Health Settings.” My aim is to share their main points and to consolidate common themes that emerged from their talks. All three are passionate

September 2024 ~ Aging Resources and Webinars

  Hi AgeDoc Readers, my colleague and friend, Dr. Harry "Rick" Moody, has compiled an abundant list of resources for aging-related topics. Every month, I post his list on this blog, and I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am. Thanks again, Dr. Moody! Your generosity and expertise are SO appreciated! AgeDoc   CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGING   Elders are more vulnerable but we’re also more responsible for what’s happening to planet Earth. At age 79, I’m more responsible than my 8-year old granddaughter for the world we’re leaving behind. The message is clear: It’s not too late and you’re not too old.   For more on the subject, send a message for a sample copy of my newsletter, “Climate Change in an Aging Society” ( )